Do we always have to be ‘the best’, or is it more beneficial to just be ‘good enough’?
Monthly Archives: October 2017
Adjacency-led growth – knowing who you are
There are many companies that fail to grow successfully outside their core and more that don’t know where to begin. Peter Allen says it is important to link strategy to ideas.
Innovation roadmaps – the simple questions that they need to answer
An innovation roadmap is a catalyst for creating a future vision that can drive improved performance – even if its drawn on a beer mat.
University technology transfer – policy or practicality?
There are lots of ways to approach effective technology transfer. For each make sure you deliver value, once you have that nailed, you can move on, Peter Allen gives his 6 step plan for success.
What does an idea have to do to get a drink around here?
Eight factors that are important to consider when building your decision-making process…
Improving your roadmaps
To be really successful, a roadmap should build upon current information, it should integrate different perspectives, and support current decision making processes.
Google discovers the ‘answer’ to high performance teams – but is it inside out?
The results of a Google study into high performance teams identified five key characteristics to look out for: Dependability, Structure and Clarity, Meaning, Impact, and Psychological safety.
Innovation? – Elementary my dear Watson…
‘Innovation’ and ‘Strategy’ are, for some people, two words that don’t mix well, and somewhat deeper below this perspective are deductive (analytical) and inductive (creative) thinking…